- Snowboarding – simply AWESOME!
- My Hurricane Electric – IPv6 Certified Sage T-ShirtJust got this by mail today, it’s pretty nice – 100% cotton. I ordered a size smaller so I hope it’ll fit. I’ve been working on my diet this past month and have been counting how many calories I consume each day. I now know more about dietary supplements and know which ones to take. I’m ready to see if all the worked paid off, although, I was expecting my name to be printed on the shirt…
- Something you don’t want to see when you wake up!
- Corsa 1.2i 1993Atinge maxim 165 km/h. Asta daca ai cativa km buni de drum drept si nu te plictisesti cu piciorul pe acceleratie.
- Epic Fail! – sau cum sa dai cu nuca in perete…Situatie simpla: De serviciu in weekend. Task simplu: HBA Firmware upgrade pe un server pe data de 7.03 la ora 17:00 (se ruleaza un script si atat).. Reboot la server dupa. Reboot la alte 3 servere intr-o ordine anume. Dupa o noapte destul de agitata in care tot verificam copierea a 3 TB de pe un disk pe altul ma trezesc dimineata. Ma holbez la telefonul de On Call – nu cumva sa fi ratat vreun apel: Ora 07:00, 07.03.2010.… Read more: Epic Fail! – sau cum sa dai cu nuca in perete…